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13/14 Jun & 18/19 Jul Motorplex Mayhem Part 1 & 2

The next two events have been linked culminating in our first ever competitive event and to ensure its success we are running a non-competitive event in June to check all our systems and ideas. The second Part being the competitive event in July.

13/14 Jun Part 1 Non-competitive, though there will be some timing done on the Sunday (non-competitive) to help sort everything out for the following event, camping allowed, $5.00 per adult. One event membership available

18/19 Part 2 a Competitive event. Free riding, as in no timing Saturday, and Timed event on the Sunday. Number of loops to be decided from data collected on the 13/14 Jun. Must be full club member to compete

To compete in the July event you need to be a full member, no one day memberships will be issued. This event will be for an annual trophy as well as other prizes and will be run as a timed event of consistencies as we have already run. This will give everyone a chance of winning, if you complete the number of loops required (TBA).

We will need a few extra staff to run this as in timing etc. So if you or a partner or friend can help, please let us know. Remember we can’t put these events on without officials

Sponsorship from MX Retreads(prize), but we need more:
To help this become something special for the club, we need sponsorship to help provide some great trophies and participation mementos. One way suggested for a trophy was to make one out of motorcycle parts on a wood base (to allow for recording of annual winners). If you can help or can get a business to help as we are looking for several trophies for a variety of achievements and these are only suggestions:

Annual Trophy,
1st, 2nd, 3rd trophies.
Gold, Silver and bronze medallions for certain others (maybe 5 of each, dependant on entries)
Participation memento’s (stickers, cups,) for entry
All these are only available if we can get some sponsorship

So if you can help or wish to sponsor a certain part or have an idea for a class, or would make an annual trophy, please let us know.

More information to come