28th / 29th September Riverhill Ride Park
Any year suitable off road or trail bike,
Any year model bike will be allowed for this event. Junior riders must be accompanied at all times whilst riding.
The River Hill Ride Park is the setting for our black diamond challenge. This event will be marked out with easy pass sections, suitable for all riders. This is an awesome venue, and this is an excellent opportunity to ride these trails.
Location: Daniels Rd Greenbushes
Approximately 2:45 hour south of Perth, to Greenbushes from Perth. As shown on the Map below travel via Southwest Highway turn right at Forest Park Ave travel about 2.2kms and turn left on to Daniels Rd approx. 3.1kms you will need to do a left u turn and travel down a hill. The major turn off at the highway and on to Daniels Rd should be sign posted if not look for the club arrows after you turn off from the highway.
Camping is available at the site. There will be Portable toilets. Bring your own Water. BBQ available, a campfire(bonfire) will only be lit in one designated area. Please ensure you keep your area clean.
Please ensure that when you leave your area it is clean, please respect the property
Clerk of the Course: Philip Joyce
All motorcycles are to be self-scrutineered by the rider entering the event.
All correct safety riding gear must be worn by all riders.
Core Event:
The track will be run in the reverse of the Black diamond event, and the Motocross track may be used as part of the track.
Any year bikes. Bikes do not need to be registered.
A NON-COMPETITIVE Vinduro, (trail ride).
Sign on: from 11.00pm Saturday and 8.00 am Sunday. You can sign on any time after the aforementioned times. Riders must wear correct safety gear.
Entry: at the event
$60.00 Adults
$25.00 Juniors accompanied by a riding Adult.
One event membership $20.00 available to non-club members
A non-competitive waiver must be completed and signed for every rider.
Under 16 riders must be supervised at all times.
15 km loop. rough natural terrain.
Loop opens at 1.00pm. Closes approx. 4.30pm, no riding after 4.30pm
Sign on from 7.30am
Rider’s meeting 08.30am Track open at approximately 8.45 finish will be approximately 3.00 pm. However, the time may vary
IN case of Injury:
First response by qualified club first aiders, ensure you sign on
Hospital: Bridgetown Hospital 9782 1222
Ambulance: phone 000 or 9791 4999 Come along and enjoy another great Vinduro WA event