Yearly Archives: 2023

16 posts


What a brilliant venue for the Black Diamond. This year’s loop was without doubt the longest and most testing ever. The loop was 14 km of bloody hard work, hills, rocks, mud and water, this was after the most hazardous part had been cut out. The track was considered so difficult it was decided that the total loops be reduced from 10 to 8 in order to be awarded a gold medal. I thought this was a bit weak by all those that put there hands up at the riders meeting. Easy for me to say from the comfort of my van. Thank you Patricia and Jolly for doing such a fantastic job lap counting and timing. Thank you Alan for doing the lap stickers. Here are the results in no particular order listed below. Take a closer look at the picture to see your lap times etc.

(1) Lex Porebski. FTS. (8) Toby Harold 10 laps GOLD. (2) Lew White over 60. 6 laps SILVER. (4) Rex 9 laps GOLD. (5) Tristan 8 laps GOLD. (27) Brian Squires over 60. 7 laps GOLD. (3) Johan Rheeders 7 laps SILVER. (6) Shane Williams 8 laps GOLD. (7) Phil Joyce 3 lapS. (7) Mick Ball 9Laps GOLD. (10) Michael Geen 8 laps GOLD. (11) Steve Rees over 60 7 laps GOLD. (12) Murray Bucham FTS. (14) Nick Holthouse 8 loops GOLD. (15) Dylan Holthouse 7 laps SILVER. (16) Grayem White 1 lap. (17)Mark 3 laps FTF. (18) Warwick FTF. (20) Ray Williams over 60. 7 laps GOLD. (00) Wippy Dawes 8 laps GOLD. (0) Wayne Clarke over 60. 4 laps. (23) Neville Brown 4 laps. (22) Mark Skiba over 60. 3 laps. (24) Mark Brunton 2 laps. (25) Ron Bailey 6 laps BRONZE. (26) Paul Colins over 60. 5 laps Bronze.

We still have to confirm the charity for donation. Will keep you posted ..

Speeding through the 5kph Zone. The worst offender was Tristan Clark 48 kph doing a weelie,

Fastest bike one the very short mx track section was Wayne Clarke at 101 kph Brilliant ..

The tyres donated by Harvs tyres were raffled at the end of the event and where won by Sam Weatherhead and Nick Holthouse, Thankfully it was the only work Neroli our first aid Volunteer had to.. the raffle. Each competitor got a bit of stuff from Penrite oils, a clay mug from the Vinduro club and a bumper sticker.

Thanks for a great weekend


May be an image of blueprint, ticket stub and text

12/13 August 2023 Black Diamond Pre 1995 Vinduro. Non competative trail ride.

To ensure we can organise this year’s event and prepare the promotional gift for attendees, kindly RSVP to the Vinduro WA email [email protected] by the 5th of August.

In the past, medals were awarded for successful completions. This year, we’ve decided to make a positive impact by donating $10.00 to charity for each participant who completes the event. We will have Gold, Silver, and Bronze tiers to honour the achievements. No actual medals will be presented. This is a non competitive fun event.

Sponsors this year are

  • Harvs Tyres
  • Great Southern Motorcycles
  • Penrite Oils
  • Canning Motor Trimmers
  • South West Yamaha

Location:  Daniels Rd Greenbushes

Approximately 2:45 hour south of Perth, to Greenbushes from Perth.  As shown on the Map below travel via Southwest Highway 49km past Donnybrook turn right at Forest Park Ave travel about 2.2kms and turn left on to Daniels Rd approx 3.1kms you will need to do a left u turn and travel down a hill.  The major turn off at the highway and on to Daniels Rd should be sign posted if not look for the club arrows after you turn off from the highway. The event on Sunday is for adults, no juniors will be allowed on the loop during the event. There is an area that is suitable for juniors to use away from the loop on Sunday at Saturday. Any junior using this area must by supervised by an adult .

Camping is available at the site. There will be Portable toilets. Bring your own Water.   BBQ available, a campfire(bonfire) will only be lit in one designated area. Please ensure you keep your area clean.

Please ensure that when you leave your area it is clean, please respect the property

Entry:  at the event Price is for the Weekend.

Entry fee $55.00 Seniors $25.00 Juniors accompanied by a fee paying adult. All entrants must be Vinduro Club Members.

$20.00 Weekend Membership ( Single use only )

Free Weekend Membership for Vmx , Classic Club Members. and previous Vinduro club Members (eligible bike only )

Event: Saturday. Vinduro ( Signed trail ride ) and Fun drag race, (speed test ). Space permitting.

Clerk of the Course:   Paul Barker

Any bike manufactured pre-January 1st 1995. Bikes do not need to be registered.  The only modern bikes will be those used by Vinduro Club officials. Please check if you are in any doubt.  Ladies and over 65 competitors may ride pre 2005 electric start bikes.  Juniors may ride any era bike.

Loop opens at approximately 1.30pm.  Closes approx  4.30pm, no riding after loop has been closed .

Sign on: from 11.00am Saturday . You can sign on any time after the aforementioned time. Riders must wear correct safety gear.

Event : Sunday ; THE BLACK DIAMOND (Signed trail ride )

An approximately 10 km Vinduro loop.  This event is for senior members only, no juniors.  The object is to complete if possible 10 loops of the marked track. This is not a race. Completing the loops is the aim of the event.

Sign on from 7.30am

Riders meeting 08.20am

 First bikes away 09.00am, last bike out at 2.00pm (time may be changed)


Pre 95 Motorcycles Only (under 60 )

Complete 10 loops Gold

Complete 9 loops Silver

Complete 8 loops Bronze

Over 60

9 loops Gold

8 loops silver

7 loops bronze

2 man team must complete 11 loops combined

IN case of Injury:

First response by qualified club first aiders, ensure you sign on

Hospital:  Bridgetown Hospital 9782 1222

Ambulance:, phone 000 or 9791 4999


22-23 July 2023 Tunney Vinduro

Location:  Nymbup Rd Borderdale WA 6320

From Perth (294kms). Head South down Albany Highway, approx. 35.5km south of Kojonup turn left onto Nymbup Rd, travel approx. 1.47kms look for signage into property, it is the first road on the left.

From Bunbury (221kms).  Head to Kojonup via Coalfields Highway. approx. 35.5km south of Kojonup turn left onto Nymbup Rd, travel approx. 1.47kms look for signage into property, it is the first road on the left.

From Albany (120kms).  Head up the Albany Highway turn right into Nymbup Rd, travel approx 1.47kms look for signage into property, it is the first road on the left.

Looking to be a great ride, hope you all have fun Camping is available at the site.

There will be Portable toilets. Bring your own Water. A campfire (bonfire) will only be lit in one designated area. Please ensure you keep your area clean.

Please ensure that when you leave your area it is clean, please respect the property


Clerk of the Course: Paul Barker

The only people allowed on the loop before 1.00pm Saturday are the designated track markers and officials.

Sign on from 12.00pm Saturday and 8am Sunday.

All bikes must be pre1995, the only modern bikes that will be used by designated personnel for safety reasons only. Please check if you have any doubts.  Ladies and over 65 competitors may ride pre2005 electric start bikes.  Juniors may ride any era bike.

Club Members

All riders taking part in this event must be members of VinduroWA, paid the entry fee,

Event entry is $55.00 Juniors are $25.00 with free event membership.  Seniors must be club members.  Introductory one event membership is $20 (once a season, full membership $70.00, you can join online through Ridersnet details on the club website. All children under 16 will be given free one event membership

You can ride Saturday or Sunday or both days, it is your decision, for the one price.

Children: All children riding on the loop must be in company with a responsible adult. All children riding on any other area must be supervised by responsible adult. No adult accompaniment or supervision, no ride. This is for safety of all concerned and will not be varied

Saturday: The loop will be open from 1.00pm, last rider out at 5.00pm. All riders musted be signed out and in, to ensure all riders are accounted for.

Sunday: The loop will be opened from 9am until last rider out 2.00pm. All riders must be signed out and in to ensure all riders are accounted for.

IN case of Injury:

First response by qualified club first aiders, ensure you sign on 

Please make sure you have ambulance cover

Ambulance, phone 000.

Come along and have a great weekend.